2 min read

Language servers, whether you know about them or don’t. You’ve almost likely used it. It’s the thing that allows your editor to autocomplete, go to definitions/type definitions. Frankly they are pretty great.

But GingerBill had a kindof intreresting take on LSPs where he said that he doesn’t use them. I thought, who the hell doesn’t use an LSP completely, are they crazy or they those purists -same thing. But a point he said supporting this, is that you get to understand the codebase slightly better. I thought that can’t possibly be true, so I decided to do an experiment -no I didn’t ditch LSPs- I disabled the autocomplete feature, and he may have been onto something. I genuinely believe that I write code differently, I think things through slightly better and better yet, I name things better.

In as much as I like the quickfix list subing out strings with :cdo <some_random_regex> I could not get rid of rename. Goto Definition on the other hand I was kinda on-and-off about, I sub it with grep or live_grep or vimgrep.

Also from the linux kernel rust drama, I *understood the importance of a codebase being greppable

Was this experiment worth it. Absolutely. Will I go back to using autocomplete, No. I never really truly disabled it it was just there, but I had to intentionally trigger it if I wasn’t really feeling like grepping for the thing I just forgot.

If you would like to try it out, you can add this to your blink dot lua

-- blink.lua
opts = {
    -- rest of config

    completion = {
        menu = {
            auto_show = function()
                -- Dont show on command mode or insert
                if vim.fn.mode() == "c" or vim.fn.mode() == "i" then
                    return false
                return true
            draw = {
                columns = {
                    { "label", "label_description", gap = 1 },
                    { "kind" }

    -- rest of config

Not really sure how to do it in nvim-cmp