2024, Looking back

1 min read

I’ve never been that big of a reflections type of person, but people keep saying that its good for you, so let’s give it a try.

Looking back, I’ve managed to acomplish quite a bit, both in my professional and personal life, and challenges as well, but those I believe are personal at least for me and won’t go into those right now.

On the achievements,

  • Graduated uni with a second class upper honors
  • Got a few internships, and a job
  • A lot of personal stuff

But one of the best things I’ve acquired this is year is that You can just do stuff. This mentality helped me move so much further, I’d say, than how I did last year.

I managed to tackle tasks much much outside my comfort zone

As for this year, I wish to:

  • keep pushing outside my comfort zone
  • be a better person
  • live more in the moment
  • be more intentional

It may not sound like much, but almost everything I wish to achieve this year is covered by these four.

Let’s see what the year has in store for us, godspeed